BLACK AND ORANGE FRIDAY - NanoFiber Protective Mask - Ten (10) pack

BLACK AND ORANGE FRIDAY - NanoFiber Protective Mask - Ten (10) pack

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It's not the time to let down our guard or our masks. The Delta variant is driving the number of cases up again. As we say goodbye to the outdoor fun of summertime and head toward the gatherings of family and friends that the fall and winter brings, it's important to protect yourself against not only COVID, but common colds and the flu.

COPD hospitalizations are down to the lowest numbers in years. The skills we learned this year during covid should be practiced to avoid colds and flu during the winter months and when on planes, cruise ships, or other crowded places with recirculated air.

Wearing a mask can sometimes prove difficult for respiratory patients. This mask is ideal for those with breathing issues. They are as light as a single sheet of paper. They are think enough for easy breathing bur woven tightly enough to keep viruses and bacteria out. They also do not retain moisture from breathing for cool comfort.

Medical N95 masks filter out 95% of small particulates. This mask has not passed through NIOSH testing as yet but it has been FDA approved as a N95 equivalent. This filters even better! The nanofiber construction has been rated to filter out an even higher 97% of microparticles. 

We suggest that you rotate masks and not use the same mask for at least 48-72 hours. This is a pack of 10 masks so you will have plenty of extra to rotate throughout the week. We also recommend that you replace the masks every month. 

Please keep in mind that neither this or any other mask guarantees that you will not get sick. Proper social distancing, and handwashing techniques are also necessary. It's also recommended that those in the high risk category, such as those battling a respiratory disease should avoid crowds.

*Sorry we cannot accept returns on this item for hygienic reasons.